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Is there a way to assign a specific local number on the SCIM Create User API? We have a large pool of local numbers but want to assign specific area code ones to specific users.

Hey @Jon Moubayed ,

We have yet to get a good answer on this topic. While SCIM can be used to Create a user record, assigning a specific PhoneNumber (DID) to a user/Extension - that's a problem.

This is just to confirm with you that it is not possible. I already reported and requested for this feature. Let me check with the PM to see where we are and will give you some update later.

Hey @Phong Vu & @Jon Moubayed,

We have and a few discussions & working session with an RC/Support SME on this topic.

Our developer demonstrated a couple different "Create User/Extension" scenarios.

Using SCIM ~/scim/v2/Users & Using ~/restapi/v1.0/account/{$accountid}/extension

The RC Support SME concluded:

  • There is no customer visible API to assign an in-inventory Phn# to a user/Extension.

This was also stated in the meeting/workshop email summary:

"... I updated our internal JIRA to give you access to the Re-assign phone number API. ..."

"... It looks like the backend team needs to let you use these internal APIs by resetting a flag, until then you will keep running into the http 5XX error like yesterday. I will let you know as soon as our Engineer gets back to me with more info ..."

@Phong Vu - I can share the Support SME person & another RC person involved. I'm reluctant to drop them here.

@Paul Rarey Thank you for the response. If we have a phone number that already has an existing extension I wonder if we can create a user with that designated extension. I attempted it with the update multiple extension API but its in beta and it seems like its broken right now.

Hey @Jon Moubayed ,

A phoneNumber that is in inventory, assigned or not-assigned cannot currently be "assigned" to a newly created User/Extension via APIs (careful with terminology re: "Extension" vs. "ExtensionNumber").

The API set we are pending access to is "ReAssign phoneNumber". That ReAssign label can be confusing. It just means "assign $ThisPhoneNumber to $ThisUser/Extension".

The ReAssign context means the phoneNumber is "in inventory" vs. "buy that phoneNumber and assign to $"

@thanya c

That API ($options) does not return usageType of Inventory nor NumberPool. Those are the same meaning (available/not-assigned) but two different labels (ugh...)


The API I use to get usageType=Inventory is
