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RingCentral XML REST API End Of Life on Nov 30, 2017

  • 17 August 2017
  • 0 replies

Disclaimer: This FAQ was developed to complement and provide more information about the end-of-life notification for RingCentral XML REST API. If you have further questions, contact Support or your Account Manager to learn more about the most recent release of the REST API.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What exactly does XML REST API end-of-life mean?

A: End-of-life means that after November 30th, 2017, RingCentral Platform API will no longer respond to API requests using or requesting XML. Specifically, the RingCentral REST API will not accept requests or return responses using the "application/xml" MIME type or "Content-Type: application/xml" and "Accept: application/xml" HTTP header. The JSON format will still be supported and is discussed more below.

Q: Why is RingCentral Platform no longer supporting XML?

A: XML request and responses have been an unofficial and undocumented feature of the API, however, as we continue expand our Cloud Communications and Collaboration services, we've decided to focus our efforts on providing the best APIs using the JSON format instead of the XML format.

Q: When will RingCentral discontinue customer support for XML REST API?

A: Since the XML REST API is an unofficial API today, there is no support today.

Q: What will happen to my applications using the XML REST API after November 30th, 2017?

A: From December 1st, 2017, any applications using XML REST API will receive error responses when sending the XML as the request Content-Type header or Accept header.

Q: What format can I use instead of XML?

A: The RingCentral REST API currently and will continue to formally support and document the JSON format which should be used. The RingCentral Platform API will continue to accept and return JSON message formats. Requests should use the "application/json" MIME type with the "Content-Type: application/json" and "Accept: application/json" HTTP headers. RingCentral API responses will also use the same JSON MIME type and Content-Type header.

Q: What are the benefits of migrating from XML to JSON?

A: Using the JSON format will make your development easier and faster because it is the official format RingCentral uses for documentation, SDKs and support. For statically typed languages, RingCentral SDKs provide typed model classes based on our Open API specification.

Q: Whom should I contact if I have more questions?

A: You can reach us with questions on RingCentral at our Developer Community,, or you can contact RingCentral Developer Support at

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