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I am making a centralized system for call control - whereby my app can tell a user's phone to make a call (pretty standard stuff on other platforms)

I am still using the dev sandbox so maybe that is part of the limitation - but anyway here goes with the issue

If I have authenticated my server app as say 'extension 101', when there is a call on 'extension 102' I can control it fine. I can hold / unhold / hangup etc.

But if I tell 102 to make a call ( regardless of what number I tell it to call ) I am getting the following as part of the response. What I want to check is whether
a) I need to get elevated permissions for my 'extension 101' - not sure how to do that in sandbox


b) the error code is somewhat generic but in fact there is no way to do this

Content: {

"errorCode" : "CMN-419",

"message" : "In order to call this API endpoint for another extension, user needs to have [InternationalCalls] permission granted with extended scope",

"errors" : [ {

"errorCode" : "CMN-419",

"message" : "In order to call this API endpoint for another extension, user needs to have [InternationalCalls] permission granted with extended scope",

"permissionsName" : "InternationalCalls"

} ],

"permissionsName" : "InternationalCalls"


You question is confusing me as the title is about a RingOut and the error is about dialing an international number. Then you escalated comment is about answering an incoming call.

If this is all about answering an incoming call and as you explained your app authentication, the error is quite clear that such an operation is not allowed.

You cannot answer an incoming call on behalf of other user extensions. Even if you login as an admin user. That is why when you login as a 101 extension, you cannot answer incoming calls for 102 or any other extensions.
