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Sandbox Deactivation Frequently Asked Questions

  • 14 December 2020
  • 0 replies

RingCentral is here to make sure our developers have the tools and resources to ensure their success. One such resource we commit to providing all developers with free of charge is a “Developer Sandbox.” A sandbox is a RingCentral account that is completely distinct and separate from your main account that your company uses to power its communications.

We provide a sandbox account to developers so that they can build and test their apps and integrations without fear of interfering with the operations of their paid production account.

Sandbox accounts however cost money to maintain and operate. Therefore, unless developers are actively using and getting value from their sandbox, we will deactivate them in order to make them available to others. If you have been alerted to the potential of having your sandbox account deactivated, here are some things you should know and answers to many of the questions many of you may have.

Q/ How do I retain my sandbox and prevent it from being deactivated?

A/ If your sandbox account is being actively used in the development or testing of an app or integration your company has built, then there is no risk of you losing your sandbox. To retain your sandbox, we require you to conduct a successful API call to your sandbox account at least once every 60 days. The fastest and easiest way to conduct an API call is to visit our API Reference and use the “Try it out” feature to conduct a test API call in sandbox or production.

Q/ I made an API call, but I still see a notice in my account. Is that normal?

A/ If you have made an API call in your sandbox account, rest assured your sandbox account is safe from deactivation. However, it may take up to 24 hours for the message inside the developer console to go away.

Q/ If I lose my sandbox environment, can I get a new one?

A/ Sandbox accounts are free to all developers for the purposes of building and testing integrations. If a sandbox account you were previously using is deactivated, you can always generate a new one by visiting the “Sandbox Accounts” page in the developer console, clicking the “Create Sandbox” button, and following the on-screen instructions. If you do not see this button, please contact your company's administrator to create the sandbox for you.

Q/ Will losing my sandbox disrupt any of my apps running in production?

A/ The deactivation of a sandbox account will not impact any of your apps running in production, nor will it affect your usage of the RingCentral service.

Q/ Will losing my sandbox disrupt my paid RingCentral account in any way?

A/ The deactivation of a sandbox account will not impact your usage of the RingCentral service in any way, nor will it affect any of your apps running in production.

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