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Sandbox Environment api not working

  • 28 April 2016
  • 2 replies

Hi All,

We have created one application in sandbox environment but facing an issue during account linking for authorization process. We have also tried with native API as well as CTI demo app but its not working. Please suggest how to process for the same:


  • CTI Demo App issue: Its showing refresh token issue during account linking.
  • Sandbox Native API : Its showing invalid garnt type error.

Thanks for the advance. It would be great if you can share any thought for the same.



2 replies

Are you using Authorization Flow (GET /restapi/oauth/authorize) or Credentials Flow (POST /restapi/oauth/token)?

Are you using one of our SDKs? If you are, which one please?

Could you provide the full request/response (with headers minus API keys) please?
Hi Yash ,

I am guessing the application you are building is for web use case. Please follow the instructions in the link . For web use case we would suggest you to use 3 legged Auth flow . There are few sample application demos which will help you resolve the above issue. 
