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I tried to create a user using the SCIM v2 API. While I have only one user in my sandbox account and the "create extension" API works fine, creating the user with SCIM causes the error message, that license limit has been reached.

Are different licenses needed for SCIM usage? How can I test user creation with SCIM in the sandbox environment?

curl --request POST 
  --header 'accept: application/json'
  --header 'content-type: application/json'
  --data '{"active":false,"name":{"familyName":"Allen","givenName":"Barry"},"emails":u{"type":"work","value":""}],"externalId":"A98765","schemas":u"urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User"],"userName":""}'
 "schemas": u
 "status": "403",
 "detail": "License limit has been reached"

You need to have an unassigned extension with a digital line available before you can create a user using the SCIM create user API.

So, login your web service, create a user with phone device and select e.g. the RingCentral soft phone. Then run your app again.

Ah okay, thanks again for the quick answer. I will try that.

Is it possible to create an extension with Device using the Extensions API? 

I created an extension in status unassigned, but without device I cannot use it with SCIM. And there is no endpoint to create devices.
I know you suggested the web service GUI to create an extension with device, but this is not the goal I try to achieve.

I am afraid it is not possible because there is no API to pull the list of devices and it has the price tags on each type of device.

If you are a RingCentral customer, please submit a support ticket so the developer support team can help you with access to internal API to build your app.
