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After getting access token when i try to send Test fax it is showing error, I need help

here is my code for sending fax

if ($platform->loggedIn()){

$request = $rcsdk->createMultipartBuilder()


'to' => array(

array('phoneNumber' => '12673314004'),


'faxResolution' => 'High',



$response = $platform->sendRequest($request);


and here is the Error


Per the error description "Token Not Found" it looks like you are not using the token to make the API call ( Fax API Endpoint

For more guidance, you can take a look at the demo inside of our Official PHP SDK:

Have you tried using the Demo under the SDK ? 
i am using Web app, so after 3-Legged OAuth access token , i am not sure how to use that token and in there is no help to use token .

Right now i am stuck at this point.

There are few examples to help you in php, below links may help you:

A number of SDKs also have built-in fax request helpers including:

PHP on Packagist:
