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Thanks in advance.

Ok I have to say I do not fully understand the notification and events but I am trying.

I have a php page (notification.php) at


I used the code from to set up a notification. with the following settings


$params = array(
        'eventFilters' => array(
        'deliveryMode' => array(
            'transportType' => "WebHook",
            'address' => $DELIVERY_ADDRESS

I opened a terminal window and started PHP server and ran the following

$ php -S localhost:5000

when I load the URL page in a browser I get the following Response:


SO if I understand it correctly I should now be notified when a text or sms is sent by a push notification to the following address

I have a code in this php page to make a log evey time the above URL page is loaded. When I call or text the sandbox number I do not get a pageload indicating to me the push notification was not sent. Any advice?

Double check if your app has the SMS and Call Control app scopes.

Is your delivery address a localhost on port 5000 on your local machine? Or is it an online server? Can you post something to that address?

It is on an online web server. I have never tried to post anything to the address from outside the local host so maybe that is the problem?

If it is an online server, why do you need to run the command

$ php -S localhost:5000

That command is needed only if you run the server code in your local machine and using ngrok tunnel address on the port 5000.
