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I'm using the Developers API reference tool to try out the SMS API for a sandbox and I'm getting the error below. Please advise.

curl --request POST --url '' --header 'accept: application/json' --header 'authorization: Bearer U0pDMTJQMDFQQVMwMHxBQUE4WGxONFJtR2lPSzdKanducHFqcEt0ZklJRTJJOFdoeUZEU3ZSUUI3a3RmYi1CSlFLXzNJR0t2ckNoM2pqcTBFV2J6RFB3dlhDb0x6bmQtdk5yTEJlQzFDQTRCaUM3dGd0dGpDdW5pUkZXbTBJOG96NXpLRWpibll1Nzh3QXJsZ0FRMk45WnYxSlZXZmxTYmFCZzVQalNjdGlVazBfTWhBcUN3WEZWTnVteFQzTS1md1ZzVGxFVzNfYkNfa21WNG0yYkFNc2otY3xzWnVqc1F8RlVjLU1XUWpISHk0S3lTeWptWWhnQXxBUXxBQXxBQUFBQUFzemRHbw' --header 'content-type: application/json' --data '{"from":{"phoneNumber":"+16502344837"},"text":"TEST","to":[{"phoneNumber":"##########"}]}'

403 Forbidden


"errorCode": "FeatureNotAvailable"

"message": "The requested feature is not available"

"errors": [

0: {

"errorCode": "MSG-242"

"message": "The requested feature is not available"




You should search a bit before posting to save your time.

Please read this post and submit a dev support ticket.

I did search, thanks... and I saw a number of responses from you that just said "SMS has been enabled. Try again"
