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I'm trying to send an SMS through APIs but It respond with "Message status: SendingFailed", Although I've followed everything mentioned in the guide

Pls submit a dev support ticket so someone can check your SMS TCR campaign registration.

I did also raise a ticket,

SMS sent. Message id: 15794959004

Message status: Queued

Message status: SendingFailed


uri: '',

id: 15794959004,

to: [ { phoneNumber: '+17025221856', location: 'Las Vegas, NV' } ],

from: {

phoneNumber: '+19293998284',

name: 'Mohab Sherif',

location: 'New York City, NY'


type: 'SMS',

creationTime: '2024-01-07T17:20:41.000Z',

readStatus: 'Read',

priority: 'Normal',

attachments: [


id: 15794959004,

uri: '',

type: 'Text',

contentType: 'text/plain'



direction: 'Outbound',

availability: 'Alive',

subject: 'Test SMS using a RingCentral Developer account - Hello this is Transporting With Us! Your driver is on the way!',

messageStatus: 'SendingFailed',

smsSendingAttemptsCount: 1,

conversationId: 662422785303067900,

conversation: {

id: '662422785303067884',

uri: ''


lastModifiedTime: '2024-01-07T17:20:42.839Z'


Please read this post and open a dev support ticket.
