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We created a public RingCentral Bot app in our Sandbox environment that has ReadContacts,ReadMessages, Contacts,ReadAccounts, EditExtensions,TeamMessaging,SubscriptionWebhook and Glip permissions.

We enabled BOT webhook for Glip:Posts and Glip:Groups events and verified successfully.

We are using ngrok and we are not using SDK.

Once we add the BOT using 'Add to Ringcentral' option we retrieved the access_token for the BOT using the configured OAuth URL using an axios call to endpoint and then we create the Webhook subscription

Webhook Subscription Request :

Webhook Subscription Response :{ "uri": "", "id": "56c7df57-a93b-4c46-9424-a2b7828b769c", "creationTime": "2021-08-31T12:08:08.312Z", "status": "Active", "eventFilters": [ "/restapi/v1.0/glip/posts", "/restapi/v1.0/glip/groups" ], "expirationTime": "2037-07-05T13:01:28.312Z", "expiresIn": 499999999, "deliveryMode": { "transportType": "WebHook", "encryption": false, "address": "" }}

With the BOT Token we can create the Webhook subscription.

We logged into with the Sandbox account and search the BOT we created and then type the messages and we expect the typed messages to the BOT will shown as Glip:Post event . But we receive nothing. We tried for Team creation event, @bot mention messages and Post team messages also

Is there anything we missed to setup the Subscription or receiving the messages ?

Thanks in Advance.



This is a known issue and it is being investigated. I will let you know when the problem is solved.

Thanks @Phong Vu . Is there a API heath status page available ?
