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Texting API (Currently Using Zapier and getting "Request Rate Exceeded")

  • 1 November 2019
  • 3 replies

I have a business account with 8 lines. I have created a zap that allows a SMS text to be sent automatically if a "Column" is updated on a google sheets account.

I recently did this and some got sent but an error populated stating the request rate was exceeded. Does anybody know how many texts per minute can be sent?

Also, anybody familiar with building out a custom platform that would allow for MMS, and roughly 2-3k messages per day?

3 replies

Userlevel 3
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Thanks for your help, Account!
My Zap is also getting a similar error, Error 429, "To Many Requests."

"The app returned "Request rate exceeded". This usually happens because there is a limit to the number of times we can send information to an app or service within a period of time. Please wait for your limit to be reset and try again.Hide details
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We made a request to and received (429) Too Many Requests."
