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Hello! Could you please help me with error on my Sandbox account "The selected sandbox account doesn’t support SMS feature. ".

Hi Sam, please submit a ticket with Tech Support so they can check the issue for you.

I create a new developer sandbox account. I am not able to access the SMS feature.


@Phong Vu

Enabled. Try again.

@Phong Vu I just submitted a ticket for the same issue if you don't mind looking into it please. Thank you in advance. +12673174829 is the sandbox number and case number is 17026089.

First of all. Don't ride on old thread as it will notify all other developers involved in the thread.

I enabled it from RingCentral side. If it works then tell the support team to close the case. If not, let them send a request to our upstream to enable it. I don't have access to dev support case though.
