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Hi All,

We are about a week off from going into production with RingCentral. Whole company is super excited. There is one snafu that I ran into doing pre-production launch tests. I was successfully able to implement the login and ringout APIs that are required in the sandbox environment and meet all requirements. The difference in our production environments and sandbox environments is that production uses Jumpcloud for SSO. Upon logging into Jumpcloud with the three-legged-auth I am immediately redirect back to the login screen instead of being prompted with the screen that asks the user to accept the permissions / finish authentication. It works fine in production when utilizing RingCentral's username/password authentication.

Has anyone else experienced something similar to this?

Hi Damian,

I am excited to see your app running on the production environment too!

Can you double check if SSO is setup for your production account? If not, please read the instruction from the link below.

Let me know,

+ Phong

Hi Phong,

Thanks for getting back to me.  We actually have SSO as a hard requirement (the checkbox that doesn't allow RC username/password) to login to RC/Glip/Meetings.  The screen in the attached image is the one that is skipped after logging into our SSO provider.  Instead of seeing this upon successful login, the RC  Login form is shown again.
