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I'm trying to access ring central api via jwt token
but getting invalid token error every time
Here is my CURL request

curl --location --request GET ''
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiI4NzYyZjU5OGxxx'

Also my app configuration images is also attached in the question bodyscreenshot-from-2023-06-10-20-05-32.pngJwt token configuration
screenshot-from-2023-06-10-20-06-53.pngapi response

{ "errorCode": "TokenInvalid", "message": "Invalid token", "errors": [ { "errorCode": "OAU-149", "message": "Invalid token" } ]}

First of all, never post the sensitive info into a public forum. Even in this case, the JWT token is for your sandbox account.

The JWT token IS NOT and access token. You must use the JWT token to authenticate and get an access token then call other APIs using the access token. Please refer to this Dev Guide for detailed instruction.
