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So, I have been trying to get the Call Log API set up and am going through the development process. I created an app and ensured that I can login to both and using the same credentials for both areas. The "Try It" button shows that the app has permissions so I have tried obtaining an oAuth token by sending an API request to and get an "invalid grant" error with a message of "Invalid resource owner credentials" I have tried sending the request via postman and via the ringcentral gitHub API explorer (!/Authentication/oauth_token_post) and both return the same error. I am using password as the grant_type and have confirmed that the app I created does support the password flow. The app credentials even show "Active" for the password in the sandbox area. I am using 14243227530 as the user. I have also tried using the email associated with the account but have had no luck. Please let me know what I am doing wrong. Thanks!

Answered in this thread.

If you are trying in postman client to obtain Auth token, format will be as below:


Body: username=<phone_number>&password=<password>&extension=<extension>&grant_type=password

Headers: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Authorization: Basic <base 64 of Clienid:ClientSecret>

Client id and secret values you will get from app dashboard
