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Unable to pull down a report in Engage Analytics > Scheduled Reports > Realtime Reports via API

  • 17 September 2021
  • 1 reply

I need to pull down a report name "IVR Detail" report from Engage Analytics > Scheduled Reports > Realtime Reports but not able to access it.

>> Here's the request code being sent to Ring Central platform

evEndPoint = "/voice/api/v1/admin/accounts/15780001/reportsStreaming";
ReportParamsIvr rptParams = new ReportParamsIvr
reportType = "IVR_DETAIL",
reportCriteria = new ReportCriteriaIvr
accountId = "15780001",
startDate = "2021-09-03T00:00:00.000-0000",
endDate = "2021-09-04T00:00:00.000-0000",
timezoneName = "America/Chicago",
criteriaType = "IVR_DETAIL_CRITERIA",
ivrStudioGroups = new string[] { "Customer Service IVR" },
ivrStudios = new string[] { "Dev_Customer Service_Pt_Survey" },

>> This is the response that I'm getting
"generalMessage":"The supplied data is not valid",
"requestUri":"/api/v1/admin/accounts/15780001/reportsStreaming - POST",

FYI, removing the ivrStudioGroups and ivrStudios returns a list of all the call recordings of the survey but that's not what I need. I need access to the survey responses which this report contains - Engage Analytics > Scheduled Reports > Realtime Reports > IVR Detail.

I've added the ivrStudioGroups and ivrStudios params based on the details from /voice/api/v1/admin/reports/IVR_DETAIL

"ivrStudioGroups":["Customer Service IVR"],
"ivrStudios":["Dev_Customer Service_Pt_Survey"]

Can someone tell me why this is not working?

This will need some more detailed investigation and back and forth questions to resolve. We see you also created a support ticket and that's the best path to get this resolved.
