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Hello I am working on the apis integrations of the ring central and in the sandbox/production i am getting the error:

"errorCode": "FeatureNotAvailable",
"message": "The requested feature is not available",
"errorCode": "MSG-242",
"message": "The requested feature is not available"

mY API Call is:
fetch("", {
"headers": {
"accept": "application/json",
"accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.9",
"authorization": "Bearer XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
"content-type": "application/json",
"referrer": "",
"referrerPolicy": "strict-origin-when-cross-origin",
"body": "{\"from\":{\"phoneNumber\":\"+13133982294\"},\"to\"::{\"phoneNumber\":\"+13133982294\"}],\"text\":\"test message\"}",
"method": "POST",

Please refer to this dev guide article to learn how to check if a user’s phone number has the SMS feature or not before using it to send SMS message.

Also, sandbox phone numbers are not SMS enabled by default. You need to submit a dev support ticket to get help with that.
