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Good morning, I am developing an application with ringcentral, it is already finished but in the tests we discovered that when we log in with certain users and send a SMS fails.

We send the message with the API:

And the error shown in console is as follows: Phone Number Doesn't belong to extension

The way we send the message is like this:

const sendSMS = await
"from": {
"phoneNumber": that.senderPhone
"to": [
"phoneNumber": that.Mobile
"text": that.smsText});

Where that.senderPhone is the phone of the user that is logged and to is the remitent

Follow the example code in this quick start (in Node JS) to first read the user phone numbers, and detect if the number has the SmsSender feature before using that phone number to send SMS messages.

If the phone number has the SmsSender feature but sending message still fails. Post the error code here.
