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I've an app where I'm requesting all the permissions but when I subscribe for notifications (webhook notifications), I get following error Client error: 'POST' resulted in a '403 Forbidden' response: { "errorCode" : "SUB-410", "message" : "[ReadAccounts] application permission is required for the following event fi (truncated...)


so, does your application have ReadAccounts permission? If not why can't you add it?

I assume you try to subscribe to account/extension change notifications, right?
It does have ReadAccounts permission.
Infact it has all the permissions.

Only difference is, initially it had only one and then I added all of them.
Does ringcentral take time to reflect changes in permissions?
This is what permissions screen looks like
There is a bit of a delay as the API permissions sync up after a change is made, but I am unsure of precisely how much time it takes.
I've had it take 3-5 minutes to take complete effect.

You can tell if the API permission is ready for use by viewing the 'scope' property in the response payload while obtaining an access_token. 'scope' will contain a list of the API permissions which your application has been enabled with in Developer Portal.
