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I'm attempting to pull data from a Sandbox Env - Call Log. There is confirmed one record on the Call Log, for context. I'm using a Sandbox App that uses JWT Auth. When I run 'python3' in Terminal, I get the following error:

Unable to authenticate to platform. Check credentials.Unauthorized for this grant type

Here is the code I'm running:

from ringcentral import SDK

RINGCENTRAL_CLIENTSECRET = 'sP8##############################PG4Qg'

platform = rcsdk.platform()

JWT_TOKEN = "eyJraWQiOiI########################################MjU2In0"

platform.login( jwt=JWT_TOKEN )
params = {
'dateFrom': "2012-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
resp = platform.get('/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/~/call-log', params)
for record in resp.json().records:
print ("Call type: " + record.type)
except Exception as e:
print ("Unable to authenticate to platform. Check credentials." + str(e))

I have given the Sandbox App every single permission available, including Read Call Log. My Python3 version is Python 3.8.9.

What could be causing this issue? I appreciate any help that can be provided. I scoured other similar questions on the forum, but I was unable to fix with those resolutions.

Nothing is wrong with the code. And the error is about authentication so app permission is not an issue here.

I check your app and look at the JWT token from your dev portal and I am not sure if you copy the right one. I see the valid one you cerated today in the dev portal is ending with different chars as what you shorten and showed above. This is what I see from your dev portal. Can you double check it.

JWT = "eyJraWQ######################################zelzQ"

Ah! I thought it was the JWT from the App itself. Didn't realize I was using the User JWT. This worked. Thank you!
