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Hi Everyone,

I am implementing Meeting api in PHP to create meeting link from our software but I am not able to create and facing below issue -

"message" : "In order to call this API endpoint, user needs to have [Meetings] permission (truncated...)

So according to developer's guide there's nothing to do with the user

Also user is also not showing in users list which I created the app

I have followed this developer guide, generate credentials and used in the code -

I used below code and entered the values which are mentioned in the json file -

$dotenv = DotenvDotenv::createImmutable(__DIR__ . '/../');

$rcsdk = new RingCentralSDKSDK( $_ENVV'RC_CLIENT_ID'],
$platform = $rcsdk->platform();
$platform->login( $_ENVE'RC_USERNAME'],

$params = array(
 'topic' => 'Test Meeting',
 'meetingType' => 'Instant',
 'allowJoinBeforeHost' => true,
 'startHostVideo' => true,
 'startParticipantsVideo' => false
try {
 $resp = $platform->post('/account/~/extension/~/meeting', $params);
 print_r ('Start Your Meeting: ' . $resp->json()->links->startUri . "

 print_r ('Join the Meeting: ' . $resp->json()->links->joinUri . "

} catch (Exception $e) {
 print_r ("An error occurred: " . $e->getMessage() . "


Also I gave all required permission to App but it says user need permission and response going to catch block

Please assist

Thank you

Why everything is underlined? That it makes it so difficult to read. And please post code snippet in code block to make it much easier to read.

Can you double check the user who logs in your app, is assigned with a role with these "Meeting" user permission.

