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We had a question from a developer who wanted to use the RIngCentral feature for sending faxes to a RingCentral user/extension number via email, and they ran into some issues.

I just tested the above scenario and was able to receive an inbound fax with an attachment as expected.

Here is how I was able to do that:

  1. Login to as an admin for your sandbox account

  2. Make sure you have created a new user/extension and assigned them a Voice & Fax type direct number

  3. You should now be able to send faxes to the following two phoneNumbers/extensions/users in your Sandbox account:

    - Your main company number can receive faxes in the Sandbox: <sandboxMainCompanyNumber>
    - Your newly created user/extension can receive faxes in the Sandbox: <userPhoneNumber>

    * NOTE: Sending to user extensions in the Sandbox, the domain is different

  4. Send your email(s) to the number you're testing to receive the fax from email.

  5. Go check your user's call logs and you should see faxes that have been sent.

Here is the question that was asked by this developer in the community for your reference:

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