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Hi @Phong Vu,

I currently have a paid RIngCentral account (on Essential plan).

I also have a Free RingCentral Developer account to test creating integration with my software using RIngCentral API.

With this free developer account, I've been using a given sandbox phone number because I can't use my paid account with free developer account (is this right?).

Before I can commit to continue paying for RingCentral, I need to proof the concept of using RingCentral Webhook and see if my integration can receive SMS via the Webhook.

Can I try using the Free Developer account with either the given sandbox phone number, or my paid Essential real phone number to test Webhook integration?

If yes, what do I need to enable in these accounts?

Thank you so much for any quick input.

Yes, you can use your sandbox account to test SMS and Webhook notification. You should login your sandbox service web to add more user and direct phone numbers. You can use the RingCentral Desktop phone (softphone) to test sending SMS messages too.

Hi @Phong Vu,

Thank you for the reply.

I tried adding another user/phone number in the sandbox test account but it says there's charges.

Is there really any charges/cost for it?

It's free. Just a template, no actual charge.

Hi @Phong Vu,

I went ahead and created a new user in the sandbox, got the new number.

Tried sending SMS to this new number but I can't see it being received even in the sandbox portal.

What could I miss?

Btw the new number I got was : (205) 718-8474

What is the sandbox main company number?
