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Voicemail entries not included in call logs API request?

  • 10 June 2016
  • 3 replies

I'm using the

/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/{extensionId}/call-log URL to download call logs, and I'm passing view=Detailed into the querystring, to make sure I get detailed call log entries.

However, I do not seem to be able to find "Voicemail" logs in the results. I see them in the "Call Log" page of RingCentral, but not the API call-log results. Anyone else experiencing this? All of the other entry types seem to be coming down okay. I also checked the "leg" data of the results in case it was buried in there, but still didn't see it.

Also, the "Call Log" page of RingCentral shows when people push buttons to get into certain queues/etc -- but I don't see this data in the call-log API as far as I can tell. Is there something I'm missing?
Call Log doesn't contain the data for voice mail...the Message (aka: Message Store or Messages) API resource does (!#RefGetMessageList).

You can make a GET request to the Message API resource after adding the appropriate API permission (ReadMessages), and then you can add the filter (query param): messageType=Voicemail + direction=Inbound (if you only want voice mail left for an employee or a call group).

GET /restapi/v1.0/account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/message-store?messageType=VoiceMail&direction=Inbound&nbsp;HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_RINGCENTRAL_USER_OR_ADMIN_ACCESS_TOKEN Cache-Control: no-cache<br>

Hi I just want to write a quick python script to download the voicemail to my drive on a regular basis. If you have already done something similar perhaps I can buy the code off you ? I am stuck at sandbox stage, no response trying to get the token.
