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I have a Production API successfully retrieving message (sms, voicemails, faxes) data and we are storing that information in our database.

Now, we attempting to take the message id and attachment id and using it to retrieve the voicemail and we are getting this error.

{ "errorCode" : "CMN-102", "message" : "Resource for parameter [messageId] is not found", "errors" : [ { "errorCode" : "CMN-102", "message" : "Resource for parameter [messageId] is not found", "parameterName" : "messageId" } ], "parameterName" : "messageId" }

I am wondering if since the voicemail is coming in on our production phone number if attempting to access it with our sandbox phone number (and credentials) while testing is causing the "resource not found." I doubt it, but I need to ask.

Any other insight into what is causing this error would be helpful.

Our API endpoint is (pound symbols will replace actual variables in Coldfusion:



You cannot access production resource with sandbox credentials.
So, you are telling me I cannot test my code in retrieving a voicemail attachment in SandBox?  I have to do it in Production?

I just want to confirm, because it may create unnecessary errors on the production side.

Also, I can still access my Sandbox credentials when making changes to my Application with SMS Sending and Getting Messages.  Those two methods still work on SandBox.
I didn't get a response from my request above, so I went ahead and tested my code on production and it appears to retrieve the voicemail.

The problem is the documentation says that the file is audio/x-wav.!#MessageAttac...

However, the JSON get messages method returns audio/mpeg and my code checks the mime-type and it also says audio-mpeg.

However, when I write the file as an .mp3, the file is invalid.  

Suggestions please since the documentation is wrong.

