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We are getting message Caller ID should be one of company direct numbers, calls are not going thru

  • 16 September 2016
  • 2 replies

We are getting message Caller ID should be one of company direct numbers and calls are not going thru when our doctors call patients through RingCentral which is integrated into our application appointment interface, starting yesterday around 8am EST. How it should work: A doctor clicks a phone number in our application, it connects to RingCentral which calls the doctor and also the patient with a Company name caller ID. The Outbound Caller ID set in each physicians user profile in RingCentral is the main toll free number on the account. This function has been working seamlessly for 18 months. We have not made any changes to our application. We have not made any modifications to the Caller ID info listed in Ring Central for these users. Last night around 10 pm EST the issue seemed to resolve itself, and the calls were going through. This morning the issue is back. This is critical functionality for us.

The error message you're receiving, "Caller ID should be one of company direct numbers", makes me wonder if someone modified your RingCentral account settings in the Online Account Portal ( Please check that the number your application/integration is using in Production is listed in the Online Account Portal as a main company number as a first step to isolating this issue, and please report the results here.

I have forwarded this community post to our Engineering and Operations staff to see if they can provide any greater insight.

In the meantime, if you can verify that your Online Account Portal is configured properly to match the phone number your integration is set to implement for the RingOut, could you please create a Developer Support case for this if you haven't already: <code>

In your support case, please include everything you've shared here plus:
  • Application/Integration information (what language it is written in and any relevant screenshots)
  • Example of how the integration code implements the Click-To-Dial
  • Exact API error response you're receiving
  • Any related logs
Providing this data will help move things along quicker.
Could you please review this other community post and see if it applies to your current issue from within your application/integration code:
