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WebHook receiving multiple incoming-call-pickup events per call

  • 14 February 2019
  • 3 replies


I've got a WebHook that's successfully receiving subscribed incoming-call-pickup events for an extension when I make a call to it (dev sandbox) ... but ... for each single test call, I seem to receive MANY such events. For example, one call I did a while ago received 18 such events, all for the same call.

So, what I'd like to know is ...

- Is it that I'm somehow not responding to those callbacks properly or something so it keeps sending them? Or is that just normal behaviour?

- If it is normal behaviour, is there a better filter I can use so I only get one event per call with all the call data in it?

- If I do just need to keep receiving multiple events like that, how do I differentiate them? My system needs to be notified, once, for each individual call ... how can I check if an event I receive is for the same call as an event I received earlier, and therefore know to ignore it?

Many thanks for the help!

First of all, please confirm you didn't create duplicate WebHook subscriptions. You can get the list by HTTP GET /restapi/v1.0/subscription

Ahhh that's it, thank you Tyler. I seem to have 9 of them ... which explains the 18 events ... 9 start rings and 9 stop rings.

If I just have start and stop ring events, how do I know if the call was actually picked up?

The stop ring event seems to occur both if the call was picked up AND if the caller just hung up before the call was answered ... how do I actually know when a call is picked up by an extention? That event along with the call info is what I actually need
Worked it out ... just for the reference of anyone else who may read this later ...

Turns out that incoming-call-pickup events have absolutely nothing to do with calls being picked up. Instead, use this event filter ...


When a call is ACTUALLY picked up, you'll receive one of these with a "CallConnected" telephonyStatus and a direction status of Inbound ... that's how you know an incoming call to that extension has been answered
