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I need to create fax received Webhook Subscriptions for several environments our API (containing the DELIVERY_ADDRESS) is running in. I have the following questions.

When using a C# console application do these subscriptions only need to be executed one time for each environment?

What is the default "expiresIn" value if this value is omitted?

What is the maximum value "expiresIn" can be set to?

Will the notification payload received be sent directly to our API endpoint DELIVERY_ADDRESS or do we have add code to our Startup file to handle it?

Thank you.

Yes, the DELIVERY_ADDRESS is your web address. If you run it on your local machine, you can use ngrok tunnel to make it accessible from outside.

The default value of "expiresIn" is 7 days (in seconds). The max value can be up to 20 years (in seconds)

The notification events (with payload) will be sent to your DELIVERY_ADDRESS, be it at the place you run the code to start the subscription or somewhere remotely. The most important thing is to return a verification-token within 5 secs after you subscribe for a notification. See the quick start example.

Hi Phong,

Thanks for the response. Can you clarify what you mean by "return a verification-token within 5 secs after you subscribe for a notification".

The SubscriptionInfo returned from posting a CreateSubscriptionRequest doesn't return a verification-token. The NotificationDeliveryModeRequest accepts a verificationToken. Do I need to set this token with the token returned from the restClient.Authorize method before making the request?

app.Run( async (context) =>
context.Request.Headers.TryGetValue("Validation-Token", out StringValues validationToken);
 context.Response.Headers.Add("Validation-Token", validationToken);

if (context.Request.Path == "/webhook" && context.Request.Method == "POST")
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(context.Request.Body, Encoding.UTF8))
var str = reader.ReadToEnd();

In the quick start example, there are 2 processes, the "Startup.cs" server is running and listening on a local machine on port 5000. The other process "Program.cs" is run once to subscribe for notification. You can run the 2 processes from different machines, e.g. run the "Program.cs" in your local machine and the "Startup.cs" on your remote server. The "Startup" process return the validation-token in the header as highlighted above. The 5 secs is the period of time between the "Program" process starts subscribing for notifications and the "Startup" process receives and sets the validation-token.

Thanks Phong.

Please confirm that I execute this code in my C# API controller instead of in the Startup file.
