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I have created a webHook event notification to notify me of SMS and monitor phone calls. All works well. The notification is created, when I call or text the sandbox number the webhook is activated and opens the webpage url I want. The only issue is it seems it is limited to three events and then it stops. (ie I can send three sms messages or call and receive notification of the first three events) If I wait awhile I can then send a 3 more text before it again stops. Is this because I am in sandbox. This limitation is a little frustrating as it does not allow me to test a full phone call from calling >>to>> Answer >>to>> Hangup. Will this change when I move to production or is there a way I can test more than three events? Thanks

There is no such event count limitation on RingCentral webhook notification, even on sandbox environment.

Check you Web server where you run your webhook server code. Are you using ngrok on your local machine, or is it an online server? Remember to send ok after receiving an event too.

I am using an online server. I am sending a OK notification after receiving an event but am not sure if I am doing it right. I have responded in both of the following ways

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

I have also tried responding with


"status": 200 OK


both do not allow me to have more than three responses before the Webhook stops working. Is there a way to see why it stops sending on your end???

I don't usually do a deep investigation on problem which is not common or I could reproduce the problem.

If you suspect that this is about your account, you can submit a dev support case and provide instructions how to reproduce it or provide them background info when they ask via the support case.

You can try with different server. E.g. your local machine using ngrok tunnel. If you can reproduce the problem with the ngrok tunnel which I use to test, then it's easier for me to focus on where to investigate. If you cannot reproduce the problem with ngrok, then the problem is in your online server.

Could you help me with the correct way to respond with an Ok status in PHP. I still can only get up three responses before it stops working for an hour. I figure it must be that I am not replying in the correct way.

Read my previous comment. Submit a support ticket or try with different server to see if the problem is in your online server or not.
