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I have followed
I have developer sandbox account. I have created webhook subscription for incoming missed calls using webhook notification quick app. I am able to create subscription and webhook works fine.

Right now i am facing 3 issues

1) I want to check subscription expiration.

$r = $platform->get("/restapi/v1.0/subscription/b8f94697-a98b-40b0-837b-f84d52052047");
with above code, i can see other information except expiry.

2) I want to add more number. But in Account Admin Portal '' i can add but it ask for payment. Am i doing right? or is there any other way to add phone number ?

3) i don't get any callee name information.
as $jsonBody['body']['parties']['0']['from'] there is only phonenumber attribute available.

1) See the response of that endpoint from here. It does give you the status as Active, Suspended or Blacklisted. You won't see the expiration time left though.

2) You can add up to 4 phone numbers for your sandbox account. The price showed in the form for a sandbox account while adding a number is just an example. You will not pay for that. You will not be asked for any payment method or CC info.

3) If you add contacts to your account, you will see the name as you provide in the contact for that phone number.

Perfect! You saved my day. Thanks for taking the time to respond.
