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I have integrated Ringcentral Webphone WebRTC feature in our website.

My problem is,

1) Callee can hear me but I cant hear callee.

2) In firefox browser, Outgoing call popup is display for 5 sec and automatically hide. Its working fine in google chorme.

FYI, Im using desktop computer and using headphone for do call.

Can you please help me for solve this problem?

There may be a compatibility issue with your version of Firefox. Please report the issue here:

Please include your browser URL from What's My Browser:
We officially support Google Chrome Browser for RC webRTC. Firefox has some compatibility issues which we are aware of and are working on it.  We will post the update about the Firefox support through release notes for webRTC SDK. 
Hello Support,

Thanks for your reply.
What about my 1st problem Callee can hear me  but I cant hear  callee . Please let me know status of 1st problem.

