My impression of a REST server is that I can send a GET or POST to a REST server, and the REST server sends back a response. There is nothing in between. However, am I understanding the RingCentral situation to be different? Do I have to 1) create an "app" 2) find out the Client ID and Secret of that app 3) then send a POST or a GET to the app, and the app talks to the REST server?
I'm trying to understand why, every "app" I create has a different client ID and secret, and yet my developer account has it's own username and password, which is different again. I can't figure out what values to put where in my URL, or in a Postman POST command. I always get an "Invalid creds" error.
Can someone make a working Postman session, save it, then send it to me, so I know what I'm supposed to put where? I don't use any of the languages of the programming examples. Postman is a great generic tool, that does everything needed, and it's settings can be translated to any programming language.
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