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Where to find Credentials for Production Platform API

  • 14 April 2021
  • 3 replies

Where can I find Credentials to access RingCentral production platform API

I have RC Office premium subscription.

When you graduate the app, the system will generate a new client ID and new client Secret for the production environment.

You need to change the Client ID/Secret in your code, replace the ones for sandbox with the production ones.

You will login the same way as you did for the sandbox account. But with user's credentials for your production account.


I'm having the same issue... I need to get the password for the production user. In the sandbox I can get it or reset it if I forgot it. But in prod N/A is displayed...


So how can I get a password for this user in prod or reset the password in prod for that user?

Please bear with my ignorance but how exactly we "graduate" the app/account from Dev to Production? Please share any link or pointers.

