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Why did my sandbox user disappear from my portal?

  • 7 February 2020
  • 6 replies

I was doing the sandbox test. it was fine yesterday but today when I logged in I saw my portal looks like this...

I suddently lost the production credantials and sandbox user.

Hi Aaron,

I see you have 2 apps, both of them are still in sandbox mode and have never been graduated. That is why the production credentials are empty. I also look at your app analytics and see a few red crosses and that is why the Apply for Production button is disabled. Just exercise more API calls until you see the button enabled then click it to graduate your app to the production.

Let me know if you see something else.

Hold on, I see the same problem across other sandbox accounts. We are working on fixing it asap.

Stay tuned!

The problem is fixed. However, if you still don't see your sandbox credentials, click on the the Sandbox Accounts tab on the left-hand side. Now, if you still see the "Create Sandbox Account" button instead of your sandbox account information, which means that your sandbox account was removed during the outage last Friday.

Action: please post your sandbox main company number here so I can pass it to the admin team to see how they can track and restore your sandbox account manually.

My apologies for any inconvenience!

+ Phong

today is tuesday, My sandbox account still hasn't been fixed

Hi Phong,

My account is also still not working.

When can we expect a resolution? Is there a phone number I can call? This is taking too long.

yes, my sandbox account was back this morning. Thanks Phone
