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In our Sandbox account, we are able to successfully send SMS messages to all carriers we tried (Verizon, AT&T, Cricket, T-Mobile, Sprint, and others) as well as Google Voice. When we switch to using the Production account/API, SMS messages to Google Voice and Verizon continue to work, however, both AT&T/Cricket and T-Mobile do not receive the message. The status code in the API responses for all of these messages is 200 and does not indicate any errors. We've noticed this problem for at least a couple of weeks. Is there a current issue with the SMS Gateway?

Hi David,

The SMS gateway picks up the carrier and delivers it to it. We do not have any issues with our SMS Gateway at the moment. However, per your description of the issue, we could have our team investigate the SMS messages which were not received by the PSTN ( AT&T/Cricket and T-Mobile )

Could you please provide the API request and response to the developer support team by submitting a help support ticket?

Please pass this issue to the developer support team for investigation by submitting a help support ticket.
