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I have a zapier "zap" that responds to key words (a function that SHOULD be built into RingCentral, but that's a different topic!)

It will work fine for about a month, then it just stops triggering. There are no changes to the zap, the trigger, or the connection, it just stops triggering.

The only way I've found to get it working again is to rebuild it. It will work again for a month or so and then again it stops.

Anyone else having this issue

Yes, I'm having the same issue. I can manually run the zap fine, but it stopped triggering on its own. No errors, no warning, just stopped. Perhaps its some kind of authentication issue with their API?

Yet another get example of how "support" works at RingCentral...Half solutions and "working as intended."

Sorry I don't have a solution for you, but maybe if we bring some attention to the issue they will actually fix something.

I did work with support and spoke with an engineer. He had me reconnect ring central. It worked for a week and stopped working again.

LOL - I guess I need to make a zap that runs once a week to reconnect the zap.
