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Alert: interruptions of service to push notifications

  • 20 April 2021
  • 0 replies

Last updated: April 20, 2021 at 5:00pm

We are currently experiencing an intermittent problem in which the ability to create and renew push notifications and webhook subscriptions becomes temporarily unavailable.

Applications affected by this issue will receive a "503 Service Unavailable" HTTP response when calling the following API endpoint:


Active subscriptions are unaffected by these service interruptions, and the rest of the RingCentral platform is performing normally.

Who does this impact?

This service disruption impacts only developers who are creating new subscriptions or updating or renewing existing subscriptions via the API.

What can developers do to mitigate this problem?

We recommend that developers implement logic to retry any failed attempt to create or renew a subscription after a set interval until the subscription is successfully created. This mitigation strategy will address most if not all problems that would occur from this intermittent problem.

Current status

We are currently investigating this problem and are actively working towards a resolution.

When possible, our support team is taking steps to extend the lifetime of existing subscriptions to ensure they do not expire while an incident is occurring. This helps to mitigate the impacts of this problem only, but is not a reliable solution in all circumstances.

Developers can visit to see if the issue is actively affecting the "Connect Platform."

We will update this post with new information as it becomes available.

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