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Welcome to a new customer and developer community support ecosystem!

  • 31 July 2020
  • 0 replies

For the last several months the RingCentral support team has been working on a new community support experience for our customers. We never expected however that the service we were using at the time would announce that they would be shutting down. Upon learning this we had to greatly accelerate the timeline of our project to ensure that customers were minimally impacted by this turn of events.

Our vision is to bring customer and developer support together to offer a combined community support experience, and to enhance the customer community experience specifically with a number of new features and capabilities that our developer community has been using for over a year.

It is with great pride and relief that on July 31, 2020 we successfully completed the first phase of this migration of our customer support content into our new community hub. Given the timeframe we were operating other, however, we made a number of short term decisions and compromises that we will be addressing in the coming weeks. Listed below are the currently known issues customers and developers should be aware of when using the new site.

* Search results will show both customer and developer community content. In the future, we will be working to better segregate this content so that we can more efficiently deliver the most relevant content to the right audiences.

* Our content hierarchy now contains both developer topics and customer topics. This results in some unwieldy navigation and pull-down menus. We hope to create more focused navigation options in the future.

* We have not yet set up the necessary redirects from our system to the new one. This means that some links may currently be non-functional. In the coming days, these redirects will be put in place and all existing links to our previous system will be restored and operational.

We sincerely apologize for any challenges people encounter while adapting to the newly combined community. Please feel free to share any feedback you might have for us by posting a comment on this article. We will be updating this article as the migration continues, so check back again for news and changes.

Thank you to the entire RingCentral support community for your patience and understanding during this process. We look forward to bringing you the many enhancements we have planned.

**Update, August 3, 2020** - We have resolved the issue relating to some users having difficulty logging in where they receive the error message, "invalid grant type."

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