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We need to track warm transfers and show the linage from the start to the end of a call.

it seems (If I am reading these posts correctly) like there is no way currently to do this.

1. Is this correct? Are they ANY methods to link together warm transfers?

3. Is there a place to request this improvement?

1. Is this correct? Are they ANY methods to link together warm transfers?

Correct. Warm transfer includes 2 separate calls, and the call log logs the 2 calls separately. If this is critical in your use case, you have to implement your own app, using the telephony session event notification to detect calls, identify when a call is warm transferred then use the call session ids to tracks calls from the call log.

3. Is there a place to request this improvement?

You can share your idea/request using this channel.

Thanks for the quick response here.

If this is critical in your use case, you have to implement your own app...

It is critical - do you have documentation to help with this?

@Phong Vu We have been able to create a subscription app to get this data. However, we are stuck on "Graduation Requirements". From what we see here it looks like we need 5+ API Calls for each endpoint.1626190541807.png

From what we understand, we need CallControl Permissions in order to get the telephony session event notification data we need. Is this correct so far?


If so, then this is what I see on the call control dropdown.


Does this mean we have to hit each of these endpoint 5 times with less than 5% 4xx errors? if not, can you clarify what endpoints need to be hit in order to get the telephony session event notifications (completing the first requirement to push to production) ?

What is your app client id?
