
Request rate exceeded when sending sms

  • 28 April 2022
  • 4 replies

Please find the error response below: HTTP Response ============= status code: 429 server: nginx Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2022 17:17:34 GMT Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 161 Connection: keep-alive RCRequestId: edfe64b6-c64d-11ec-995d-0050568d1600 RoutingKey: IAD01P18PAS04 Retry-After: 2 Content-Language: en-US X-Rate-Limit-Group: sms X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 60 X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 53 X-Rate-Limit-Window: 60 { "errorCode" : "MSG-305", "message" : "Request rate exceeded", "errors" : [ { "errorCode" : "MSG-305", "message" : "Request rate exceeded" } ] } HTTP Request ============ HTTP POST Can you please help us in finding the root cause?

Best answer by Phong1426275020 29 April 2022, 02:24

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4 replies

@Nirmal Babu This response is actually coming from our API gateway which helps us manage the throughput of any given operation or endpoint. Your application is being "throttled" meaning it is sending too many requests within a given time window. The error will go away in time. To learn more about throttling and rate limits, go here: Does this answer your question?
I posted an answer below, but a colleague of mine followed up with me to let me know that he observed some irregularities in your example above, so we are investigating further.
Userlevel 1
Since the /sms endpoint rate limit group is Medium, meaning 40 API calls (40 messages) per 60 seconds. You should call the endpoint following the Medium rate limit. The best approach is to send a message every 1.5 secs (DO NOT calling as fast as possible then wait for the next window) Please read [this article][1] and use the 2 option (Call and wait based on the average rate limit) The header returns a special sms group which may not be applied to your app and we are investigate this. [1]:
From the error, we can see that the rate limit is not exceeded but why did it say 'Rate limit exceeded'? X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 60 X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 53 Usually, when the rate limit is exceeded, we see the X-Rate-Limit-Remaining value to be 0. But that is not the case here. I guess you are investigating the same, any update on this?
