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SMS API "Feature not available"

  • 22 January 2021
  • 15 replies

I created a new sandbox account for testing the SMS API. I then created a console app (per ringcentral instructions) and tested the API using the sand box credentials. Connecting to the API works fine but returns this error when trying to send a test SMS:

Content: {

"errorCode" : "FeatureNotAvailable",

"message" : "The requested feature is not available",

"errors" : [ {

"errorCode" : "MSG-242",

"message" : "The requested feature is not available"

} ]


I have made sure I've added the correct features to the sandbox app (per the instructions) but it appears it is not setting the SMS feature to true.

This is a problem with the SANDBOX app, I haven't made it to production due to the fact I can't send an SMS in the sandbox app.

Thanks in advance.

15 replies

Are you connecting to the sandbox phonenumber (vs your live RC phonenumber)?

Userlevel 2

This problem should not happen as we fixed the process to include SMS feature to a sandbox main company number. I am not sure why it still happens time to time. Give me your sandbox main company number so I can ask the team to enable it manually for you.

I am having the exact same issue. I am using the Sandbox phone number. I cannot connect to support either...keep getting an Error page. Also, I cannot seem to locate any information as it pertains to `Path Params->accountId` or `Path Params->extensionId` really frustrating.


The `country` object returns errors as well.

Screen Shot 2021-01-22 at 12.15.42 PM.png

Are the `accountId` and `extensionId` the same as the Username and Extension listed under `User Account Credentials`?


Yes, I'm using the sandbox credentials, not production or RC numbers. (userId, extension, key, secret)

Userlevel 2

Normally the extensionId of the first user (the Super Admin created by default) is the same as accountId.

Hi. Will you add SMS to (470) 799-2474 please? Testing SMS and receiving same error as above.

"errorCode" : "MSG-242",

"message" : "The requested feature is not available"

Userlevel 2

Request for enabling SMS for this phone number is created. It would take a couple days for the team to process. Please stay tuned.

Userlevel 2

Enabled. Pls check it

Hi Phong. We would like the SMS feature enabled in our (470) 419-4749 sandbox number for testing, please. We are receiving the same error mentioned above.

"errorCode" : "MSG-242",

"message" : "The requested feature is not available"

Userlevel 2

The number is SMS enabled. It is the main company number and assigned to this extension (Tim Collman, Ext. 101). You have to either authenticate the app with the Ext 101 user extension to send SMS. Or reassign the number (via auto-receptionist general settings) to your extension (Ext. 102).

Or alternatively, add a direct number to the extension 102 and try sending from that number.

P.S Next time pls don't ride on other's question which already accepted as an answer like this one. I just cause unnecessary email notifications sent to others.
