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Advertisements and Marketing - Corporate

  • 27 November 2019
  • 1 reply

Hi there - forgive me if this question has been asked before or needs to go to another area - but I am a new customer to RC and the only gripe I have is the fact that Missed Call notifications and Voicemail notifications have what I would say is "marketing material". For one our users -(large base) - to receive a "Earn up to $2500.00 for each business you refer to RingCentral" is obtrusive to our end users. I would think that there is a way to disable this. Please advise if there is or if this is on the radar.

1 reply

Hello Chris, 

I hope you are doing well! I am more than happy to assist you with this concern! Can you please send the below information to so I can investigate this matter further?
  • Your phone number plus extension.
  • Name of the user(s) who are receiving the message.
  • A screenshot of the message or feel free to forward the email the user received.
I hope you have a great day! 

Thank you,
