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Anyone finding users (sometimes) have to call a number more than once to connect?

  • 17 August 2022
  • 3 replies

We're seeing cases each day (some days more than others), where our agents dial a number, it says connecting, but never does. They call the same number seconds later and it goes through.

Support is not indicating they've seen this with any other deployment. Anyone have any insight: It happens both in the office and for agents remote/home. no other issues once connected, or with inbound calls.

3 replies

One specific scenario from just today. The Rep reported: "..."I did a outbound call a few minutes ago. I had to call 3 times. It kept saying 'connecting' and would not connect. When I did reach her she said she could hear it ring once and stop...."

something this broad, you need to create a troubleticket with Ring Central because there is only so much that can get fixed with a reboot or uninstall....

Thanks Joe - I have created several but we're not getting to the root. Thought I'll reach out to see if we were the only ones. New since May.. Thanks again.
