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Call queue transfers

I was working with RingCentral support over the last few days regarding calls dropping when someone transfers a call to them from a queue. After doing some troubleshooting they came back with the following answer:

"The most recent platform update has changed this behavior. Users who are in a call queue must have their status set to "accept calls from queue" in order to take a call that has been transferred to them".

So now when one of our users gets a call from a customer in a queue and they want to transfer it to a sales rep who happens to be in the same queue, that person needs to set their status to be able to take the transferred call. So effectively no one can ever set their status to being logged out of a queue ever again or they will be missing calls constantly.

What is the logic behind this change?

What if the person who is being transferred to logs in at the same time another call gets routed to them from the same queue?

Is there a better work around for this?

edit: i should clarify that this only affects calls coming into a queue, anyone else seems to be able to be transferred to without issue.

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