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Call routing to group then individual extension

  • 18 December 2019
  • 8 replies

We have a need that support has not been able to assist with to date.

Caller calls in to main line and request Service through IVR (this works and goes to a single extension today)

We want to add a group between the IVR and the single extension.

For the group, we wanted the following:

1) Ring for (4) specific users

2) Ring all their devices (Hard phone, soft phone, mobile phone) simultaneously

3) Wanted the feature under Phone system groups that allowed us to set the Caller ID so when a service call came in, the users could see it was a service line call

Thing we tried and why it didn't work

1) Created a User Extension, put all (4) people in a ring group on simultaneous ring, added the single extension to the end of call handling sequentially after the group. ISSUES: Did not allow users to see it was a service line call, Would only allow us to assign Hard and Soft Phones (no mobiles). If we could add mobiles to queue, it would at least work.

2) Created a Phone System Group. It allows all four users, all devices, and resolves caller ID issue. ISSUE: If the group does not answer, there is no way to forward out the call to the single extension. It only allows for forwarding to voicemail

Support on the most recent attempt offered three potential solutions:

1) Somehow modify the voicemail to allow for an option out - Please leave a voicemail at the tone. If you want to be transferred to service, press 1. The 1 would transfer to the single extension. Mgt didn't like us forcing a customer to make selections in the middle of the process.

2) The single extension was just an extension without a direct number. If we purchased a number for the extension, we might be able to forward to the direct number. We are willing to try this but the case didn't have the notes we discussed on how to do this. I am trying to get from support now.

3) Heard there was a BETA where forwarding out from a group would be expanded to voicemail or an extension. Thinking exactly what we need but no luck so far getting on the BETA.

Anyone out there have ideas or potential work around that might help us? Or, maybe how to try option 2 above?

8 replies

First question i have to ask is: Which plan do you have? Only after a certain level do you have the ability to setup up a "real" call group, with an out path if they don't answer to a singular user instead of voicemail. I believe you need premium or above, but i could be mistaken.
you should be able to do it then. If not be patient, its coming out maybe next quarter. There is a work around, email your account manager so they can have the correct people call you

My apologies.  That would have been a good item to mention in the post.
We are on Office Premium.
We tried this. Primary issue was it didn't go to extensions. It went to devices like hard phones and soft phones only, not ring the mobile apps. Do you know a work around for that?
you can create a new extension. under call handling set incoming calls to sequentially, then click add call forwarding phone. Continue to do this until you have added all the members you require (up to 10) once you have them added, select them all and click "Create ring group". Set the phone number in item 3 to the number you want it to call (you might have to uses the DID) when no one answers. Once this is done, turn off number one. Any caller coming into that extension will ring all the phones, then transfer to the final number on no answer (we used 15 rings for 75 seconds on group 2). Catch is, if you are recording the calls you will have to log into the with that new extensions credentials (incognito) to get them unless you  are a super admin

Yes. Since you have to select a device and not an extension, I think it bypasses that option. Calling a hard phone or soft phone directly i think bypasses the user extension defaults like ringing mobile. At least that is our experience so far.
In contact with our manager.  We tried to get on the Beta but an engineer said no but wasn't aware of all we tried.  I forwarded the issues like i did above and she forwarded to the engineer but no response to date.

Patience I have.  Managers are looking for more of a now.

You mentioned a work around.  Can you elaborate?
was the first option on under the individual extensions?
