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Caller ID Shows Direct Number Instead of Main Company Number

  • 3 June 2019
  • 2 replies

We have been dealing with an odd issue with our RingCentral Services. Specifically, when our users are making outbound calls our callback number or Caller ID shows as that specific user's Direct Number. We have checked all of the settings in our online portal and the Desktop app but we are still having the issue. Our case has been escalated to tier 2 but they have mentioned this is normal since the main number is essentially just a spoofed number. Is anyone else dealing with a similar issue?

2 replies

I have tons of clients sending their main number as the OLI (outgoing Caller ID).  it's so frustrating when CS gives such responses.  How is the main number programmed

Sorry, hit enter.  Is the main number listed as Company Number (or AA) in programming or dedicated to an extension/user?
