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Calls Not Coming Through

  • 17 March 2020
  • 3 replies

We're not consistently getting calls forwarded to agents. This began last week and has gotten worse. We called RC last week and thought the issue was resolved but it has since began again. One user in particular gets no calls forwarded to her, while other users always get calls forwarded.

3 replies

Userlevel 4
Hello Alexa!

Please coordinate with Tech Support to resolve the issue you are experiencing.

We are having the same problem and not for the first time.  This has been a recurrent problem in the last month or two.  Each time it seems resolved and then starts up again.  Any suggestions for another VOIP service that works reliably?

Our account is experiencing the same issue and when I look up that status it appears that Ring Central is reporting issues with inbound and outbound calls going back to 12/25/2020
