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Campaign Registration Issues

  • 9 January 2024
  • 6 replies

We had a brand and campaign registered after the chaos of the start of 2023. We met with our RingCentral account manager in September to go over all our opt-out language and they assured us everything looked compliant.

At the start of December, without any warning, TCR revoked our campaign and said we needed better language. We've had multiple attempts of adding language to our website and copying what other companies that TCR show as being compliant. But every time we make the suggested changes, and wait 10+ business days after re-submitting our campaign registration, we get another rejection for different reasons.

We are a law firm that only uses texting to communicate with our clients, or with people who filled out the form on our website looking to speak to our law firm about their case. We don't send out mass messages, or sell the info. We include the boiler plate "text STOP to Opt-out at anytime" in our initial text messages.

Has anyone else had similar struggles with getting your TCR campaign (re-)registered? If you were able to get them resolved, I'd love to hear how. If you haven't yet, I'd appreciate hearing what kind of feedback you're experiencing as well.

We are growing frustrated that the RingCentral's customer service keeps saying everything looks good, but then still have TCR reject it. We're happy to make whatever changes we need, we'd just like to know what ALL those changes are at once, rather than wait 2+ weeks after every change only to be told our consent language needs to be changed yet again.

6 replies

Userlevel 4

Hi @Elric Bills, I completely understand your frustration regarding the issue with your SMS Campaign Registration. I would like to escalate your concern and have someone reach out to you for guidance. To ensure a prompt response, please email us your best contact information at

Been there and it was a huge pain to finally get reenabled. My suggestion, keep it simple. Make sure the Brand, Legal name and Campaign all match (seems logical and should be for a law firm, we have multiple companies/Brands now), and all details you provide can be corroborated on the web site that you are registering for, and your consent form resides on the same site when you create the Campaign and that it is accessible to the TCR auditors.

The rejection messages contain no usable feedback (and you can't see the entire, canned message), so have your RC team escalate, and then have them escalate again!. We were OOS for two weeks before we finally got approved.

Like I said, keep it simple:

We use SMS as a means to communicate with policy holders who have filed insurance claims.
How are you obtaining consent to send SMS messages?
We obtain consent via online form on our website.

Hope it helps, even if it's just to know you're not the only one!

NEARLY EXACT SAME EXPERIENCE!!!!! We’re in the financial industry and we NEVER text clients in a campaign from the Firm. We’re conversational only… eight months I’ve been trying to get this setup. I had the exact same experience except my account rep was zero help requests to be escalated were met with silence.

I finally got a response from a RC person via a third party vendor whom handles our internet connections.  I followed all the suggestions from the RC guy and after a couple months work, got the TCR campaign approved.

Enabled some numbers, tests going ok.  Oh, RC does not offer an integration with our Compliance database vendor so I’m paying Theta to convert RC files to a format my Compliance vendor (one of the largest in the world) can use.  That’s all working now.

Yesterday, I starting working on Opt-in, Opt-out messages using Automator.  TCR Chat told me RC system would automatically change the status of a number for which and opt-out message was received and would not allow texts to be sent from numbers on our account to be sent.

Wasn’t working.  Back to TCR Chat, was told today that’s not how it works at all. I’ll have to use some other software like a CRM system to make that happen.

I cannot being to express how fed up I am with Ring Central. Its infuriating and has been the worst tech experience of a rather long career during which I have had significant tech responsibilities.

Userlevel 4

NEARLY EXACT SAME EXPERIENCE!!!!! We’re in the financial industry and we NEVER text clients in a campaign from the Firm. We’re conversational only… eight months I’ve been trying to get this setup. I had the exact same experience except my account rep was zero help requests to be escalated were met with silence.

I finally got a response from a RC person via a third party vendor whom handles our internet connections.  I followed all the suggestions from the RC guy and after a couple months work, got the TCR campaign approved.

Enabled some numbers, tests going ok.  Oh, RC does not offer an integration with our Compliance database vendor so I’m paying Theta to convert RC files to a format my Compliance vendor (one of the largest in the world) can use.  That’s all working now.

Yesterday, I starting working on Opt-in, Opt-out messages using Automator.  TCR Chat told me RC system would automatically change the status of a number for which and opt-out message was received and would not allow texts to be sent from numbers on our account to be sent.

Wasn’t working.  Back to TCR Chat, was told today that’s not how it works at all. I’ll have to use some other software like a CRM system to make that happen.

I cannot being to express how fed up I am with Ring Central. Its infuriating and has been the worst tech experience of a rather long career during which I have had significant tech responsibilities.

I'm sorry to hear about your experience, @DonC I will reach out to the appropriate individuals to clarify the correct process. If you need any assistance or would like to speak with someone about this, please don't hesitate to let me know, and I will arrange for someone to help.

We have been working on our campaign for months on end now and still cannot get this resolved, we have done everything asked and now we have a new list of what we need to do. We are a small business and do not solicit or send out any promos. This is getting to the point of unreasonable and we will not be able to do business with Ring Central if we cannot get this resolved. I have checked several other forums and this seems to be a problem for a number of your customers. All the email responses appear to be a cut and paste response because it the the same every single time. 

Userlevel 4

Hi @JKnight, to ensure you receive the most appropriate and comprehensive assistance, I'll arrange for a specialized TCR Support team member to contact you directly. They will be fully briefed on your situation and equipped with the necessary resources to provide the support you need. 
