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Can customer call us from web page?

  • 5 March 2024
  • 3 replies

I have the following business problem: A customer wants to call us to speak, but is either international in which case it's expensive for them, or we want to do a screenshare or video call.

One option could be to join a meeting (either RingCentral, Teams, etc). However, we don't know when they're going to call and don't want to leave an open meeting indefinitely. Also, it would be great to know from any device we're on when they join, with a notification.

WhatsApp sort of accomplishes this, but that is tied to a personal #, and doesn't do screensharing. Is there a way that RingCentral can allow the user to call us from a web page (but not RingMe which just calls them on their phone), or that RingCentral Meeting can allow a personal meeting link whereby when the user joins it alerts us to join too?

3 replies

use RingMe

for some reason RC community messes up links including the & [Ampersand] sign. It squeezes in an extra "amp;" in the link. They need to fix it.

Same link but removing the "amp;" so it works

Both RingCentral Meetings and RingCentral Video (as RCM is deprecated unless you are grandfathered in) have Personal Meeting IDs configurable in the user's extension setting within the RC portal(RCM=10 digits, RCV=12 digits).

You can set the PMI to allow guests to join before host, meaning the room is always on. When someone joins your room and you are not already in it, you will receive an email advising John Smith just joined your room.

Lastly, you can also set up a waiting room for everyone, anyone outside your company, or anyone not logged in.
